Staff unit

The STS-SU1 staff unit is a combined speaker and microphone module which forms part of a SecuriCom through the glass communication system and is installed on the staff side of the glass. The unit comprises of a single 4 ohm speaker and a semi rigid goose neck microphone and fitted with a mute switch to isolate the customer microphone input. The unit is free standing enabling the user to select the appropriate positioning on the counter. Termination is via a two cables braided together, one for the speaker and one for the microphone both with twin green terminal connectors ready for push connection onto the STS-A30 amplifier.

Information sheets other languages

STS-SU1-B - Black

Code Quantity Length Width Height Cubage Weight
PCS 1 - - - - 798,00 kg
INNER 1 - - - - -
MASTER 1 - - - - -

STS-SU1-G - Grey

Code Quantity Length Width Height Cubage Weight
PCS 1 - - - - -
INNER 1 - - - - -
MASTER 1 - - - - -

STS-SU1-SS - Stainless steel

Code Quantity Length Width Height Cubage Weight
PCS 1 - - - - -
INNER 1 - - - - -
MASTER 1 - - - - -
STS-SU1-B - Black


STS-SU1-G - Grey


STS-SU1-SS - Stainless steel


Stainless steel